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Verse of the day

"God .. There is no god but He, the Living forever, That Is. Its not comprehend neither sleep nor slumber. Him belongs all that is in heaven and on earth"

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Important dates

October 26 - October 27

Kurbat-Fitr holiday - the end of the great pilgrimage to Mecca

November 15

Start of a new 1434 AH

November 24

Ashura - a commemoration of the prophets of Allah poslanikov

What is Islam?

What we know about the religion of Islam? Much and nothing? Studying their religion, you find answers to many questions. But religious knowledge is so vast, like the endless sea, the more immersed in them, the shore drifting further and further.

Not cross the sea of knowledge, but it is impossible to sink in, because this knowledge is divine, they are taught the basics of elementary human life, learn how to behave in the family, in society, in relationships with parents, children, teachers and students, managers and subordinates. In Islam, there are, for Islam - a way of life. Each of our breath and exhale soaked religion, divine purpose. Catches of this will be happy because he's humble and submissive behavior and adherence to all the commandments of Islam - salvation in this life and the next.

Islam - the religion of all the prophets. Religion of Allah began to spread in the Arabian peninsula in the early seventh century AD. The main story of Islam is associated with two cities - Mecca and Medina (then Yathrib).

In Mecca and the adjacent territory dominated tribe of Quraysh, was destined by the will of Almighty God give the world a great man who played a huge role in the spread of religion Creator - Islam. His name was Muhammad (peace be upon him). He was born in Mecca, and in forty years, he began to come down for the testimony, which gave rise to the religious basis of Islam.

Hard times had to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the spread of Islam, the many obstacles he encountered on the way, a lot of testing went through, one of which was a farewell to the city of the Prophet Muhammad's Mosque in Medina

childhood, with the city in which he was born - Mecca.

He had to leave it and move to Yathrib, now Medina, where he was expected, and where he was accepted.

Islam is spreading, and it will be up to the Day of Judgment, for Allah Himself says about it. If you look at the world map, you can see the world as it gradually turns green tones of Monotheism, submitting to the Supreme.

Islam - the religion of submission

The word "Islam" in Arabic means "submission", "obedience laws of Allah." In the terminology of Sharia Islam - is a complete, absolute monotheism, submission to the Creator in everything.

Obedience to learn from childhood to adolescence to adulthood. You can learn it to the end of his life, and as we all - the slaves of our Creator, we are required to the same obedience without question. Diploma of how we were obedient, the Creator "will give" to us on the day of trial, and it is better if the "diploma" will be red.

Obedience - is the main distinguishing quality of a Muslim. Akin to or synonymous with this quality also are: hope, humility, obedience. Muslim relies throughout only to the will of Allah, because the word "Insha Allah" - "let it be the will of the Creator" - are frequently used in the language spoken by a Muslim.

Goethe wrote about Islam:

"How stupid way and that chant

Their opinions about this and that!

After all, if Islam means submission to God,

We all live and die all in Islam. "

Islam - is obedience to God, acceptance of all that He has given us through His Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him). Muhammad himself (peace be upon him) - the clearest example of humility and trust in Allah. How he had to go through, spreading the religion of God, we never dreamed. Today it is easy to be submissive, all the conditions for the fulfillment of all the commandments of Allah. No insuperable obstacle to the observance of religion not. We ourselves should just learn to live according to the Quran and the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam).

Islam - the religion of peace

Another meaning of the word "Islam" is "peace." The world begins with the words "assalyamu Alaikum" when a Muslim wants peace to his brother or sister in the faith.

The word "salaam" - "the world" - the basis of many Islamic concepts. Even the name of Allah is "As-Salam". One of the names of Paradise - Dar Al-Salam. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "You will not enter Paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another! Do not tell me you about the action, doing that, you will love each other? Spread the "salam" (greeting one another)! "(Imam Muslim).

Islam does not teach violence or violence, however, welcomed only such qualities as kindness, mercy, compassion. Islam spread good teaching kindness to all creatures of creation, from the usual leaf on a tree.

Remember, as the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to spread religion? Only good things, of the world. No violence, he did not show, but by example and behavior were crucial in spreading the word of Allah. As Islam spread and today - only peace and good relations with other people, respect for other opinions and in no event shall any imposition, because there is no compulsion in religion.

Hadith of a day

"There are two benefits that people do not appreciate. It - health and free time. "



  • What is Islam?
    Written by

    What we know about the religion of Islam? Much and nothing? Studying their religion, you find answers to many questions. But religious knowledge is so vast, like the endless sea, the more immersed in them, the shore drifting further and further.

    Written on Wednesday, 12 December 2012 18:38 in Articles Be the first to comment! Read 7563 times Read more...
  • Do not abuse the Imams!
    Written by
    Do not abuse the Imams!

    Message from the Chairman

    Many members of the mosque because of ignorance, and sometimes deliberately give money for certain services in the hands of the priest. And no one thinks, and whether it is right. From the side like a bribe traffic police inspector - like as a matter of course.

    Written on Wednesday, 12 December 2012 18:38 in Articles Be the first to comment! Read 6864 times Read more...
  • Halal Podolsk
    Written by

    1. Hypermarket "Globe" Klimovsk st. Youth, 11

    2. TC "Auchan City Podolsk" Podolsk, st. Serpuhovskaya B., 45.

    3. Supermarket "Crossroads", Podolsk, st. Komsomol, 3.

    4. Shop "Halal", Podolsk, st. Red, for D / C Leps

    5. TC "Elisabeth" Podolsky district village. Railroad Street. B.Serpuhovskaya, D. 229

    6. Farm "Russia's" settlement satin Tatar

    7. Shop "SAFA" Moscow Metro "South" in the market

    Written on Wednesday, 12 December 2012 18:34 in General Be the first to comment! Read 30214 times
  • Hadith 1
    Written by

    "There are two benefits that people do not appreciate. It - health and free time. "

    Written on Wednesday, 12 December 2012 18:28 in Hadith of the day Be the first to comment! Read 28861 times
  • Hadith 2
    Written by

    "A believer is a brother to another believer. He has no right to betray one another and lie, lie to him and leave without assistance. A Muslim has no right to infringe on the honor, life and property of another. "

    Written on Wednesday, 12 December 2012 18:28 in Hadith of the day Be the first to comment! Read 22018 times

Halal Podolsk

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